Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finals really burn my cookies.

Well, finals week is in full swing, and for me that means papers, Papers, PAPERS! Three to be exact, and three more if I have time (sort of extra credit, but not really). Now, I guess I should clarify the title of this post; it's not so much finals that burns my cookies, but the fact that they all happen in the same week. Really now, who has time to do everything all at once. And let's get one thing straight, I may have papers to write but they were all assigned on Friday, so it's not like I've been putting them off. Believe me, if I could procrastinate I would. There is nothing I want more than to get into the kitchen and bake cakes, cupcakes, cookies, breads, pies, ANYTHING to avoid writing these ridiculous papers and studying for calc. BLEGH. I'm pretty sure there is nothing in the world I hate more than calculus. Seriously math majors, why do you enjoy it so? Especially derivatives; those make less sense than putting garlic on bananas. (Gross!) But I digress. Finals cause too much stress, which I'm sure doesn't improve grades at all.  The stress that people on campus are under is almost tangible when you walk into the library. There are huge lines of people waiting for computers and their turn at the printers, and believe me, it's not like UMass has a shortage of computers. Students are slumped over books, and nearly going blind from staring at computer screens for so long that everything starts to blurr. I really think the way finals are handled needs to change. It's bad enough that throughout the entire semester people are often given more work (readings, projects, papers) than they can handle all at once, why is it necessary to give even more right at the end of the semester when everyone just wants break to start? On top of all the finals people have, they need to go to work as well. I personally, cannot afford to miss an entire week of work. I work two jobs and still barely make enough to get by, missing a week is not an option. So between the studying I have to do and the papers I have to write I also have to find time to work. Finals, whether they are papers, projects or exams should be more spread out. Dedicate two weeks at the end of the semester to finals rather than one, or make final papers due during the last week of classes instead of during finals week when people need to study. Really, these are simple solutions to the horrible, horrible time that is finals week.

This was quite a rant, and I can assure you my posts from now on will not be like this, but really, finals week seriously burns my cookies. Baking relaxes me and not having enough time for it during the most stressfull week of the semester is just no good in my cookbook.